Art, Music and Design
Art & Architecture Complete
- Art and Architecture
- Books and Periodicals
- Magazines and Trade Publications
- Indexes and Images
EBSCO Information Services
Art & Architecture Complete provides full-text coverage of 380 periodicals and more than 220 books. In addition, this database offers cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts for more than 780 academic journals, magazines and trade publications, as well as for over 230 books. Art & Architecture Complete also provides selective coverage for 70 additional publications and an Image Collection of over 63,000 images provided by Picture Desk and others.
Humanities International Complete
- Article Database
- Art and History
- Language and Literature
- Philosophy and Religion
- Social Sciences
EBSCO Information Services
Humanities International Complete covers all aspects of the humanities, with worldwide content pertaining to literary, scholarly and creative thought. This database includes all data from Humanities International Index™ (more than 2,200 journals and 2.8 million records) plus unique full-text content, much of which is not found in other databases. The database includes full text for nearly 1,200 journals.
Music Periodicals Database
- Journal Articles
- Classical Music and Opera
- Jazz and Blues
- Rock, Soul and Hip-Hop
- Folk Music
- Music Business
- Sound Recording
- Ethnomusicology
- Music Education
- Music Therapy
- Instruments
ProQuest LLC
Music Periodicals Database is a music journal resource with more than 1.3 million articles, plus detailed abstracts and full text from 1874 to current, covering the scholarly to the popular. An unrivalled resource for music research, it t provides indexing and abstracts for more than 425 international music periodicals, plus full text for around 140 journals. No other individual resource has comparable index-plus-full text coverage.
Naxos Music Library (NML)
- Music Collection
- Classical Music
- Jazz
- World
- Pop and Rock
- Chinese Music
Naxos Digital Services US, Inc.
Naxos Music Library is the world's largest online classical music library, it offers streaming access to more than 170,000 CDs with more than 2,600,000 tracks of both standard and rare repertoire. Over 600 new titles are being added to the library each month. The library offers the complete Naxos and Marco Polo catalogues plus the complete catalogues or selected titles from over 950 record labels, with more labels joining every month. Along with classical music, jazz, world, and pop/rock are also represented.
Access Conditions: 5 concurrent users.
Oxford Music Online: Grove Music Online
- Encyclopedias and Dictionaries
- Music and Musicians
Oxford University Press
Grove Music Online is the world's premier online music encyclopedia, offering comprehensive coverage of music, musicians, music-making, and music scholarship. The authoritative resource for music research with over 52,000 articles written by nearly 9,000 scholars charting the diverse history and cultures of music around the globe.
Business and Management
Bloomberg Businessweek Archive
- Magazine Archive
- Business and Economics
EBSCO Information Services
Bloomberg Businessweek Archive is the world’s only complete digital version of the Businessweek backfile. With coverage starting at the magazine’s first issue in 1929, the archive contains more than 65 years' worth of content not available on any other EBSCO full-text product.
Business Source Complete (BSC)
- Featured
- Business and Economics
- Journal Articles
- Company Profiles
- Industry Reports
- SWOT Analyses
- Case Studies
- Conference Proceedings
- Associated Press Videos
- Business Thesaurus
EBSCO Information Services
Business Source Complete is a comprehensive database that provides access to scholarly journals, trade publications, industry reports, and related information. It covering all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, accounting, banking, finance and more. It also provide access to industry, market, and company research which often contain SWOT (Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats) analysis of larger companies.
- Economic Data
- Visual Analysis
- Spot Trends
- Marketing Insights
CDMNext is a comprehensive web-based tool that allows users easy access to CEIC’s databases to create quick and insightful analyses. CEIC Data is best in class databases deliver the most accurate and timely economic, sector and financial data from around the globe. Including Worldtrend Database, Global Database, Brazil Premium Database, China Premium Database, India Premium Database, Indonesia Premium Database, Russia Premium Database, and Sector Database. The platform makes it easy for you to uncover data trends and insights. Users can leverage advanced visualization tools, easily download series and extract data to Excel with just a few simple steps.
- Global Database
- WorldTrend Plus Database
- Brazil Premium Database
- Russia Premium Database
- India Premium Database
- China Premium Database
- Indonesia Premium Database
Remarks: All MPI Library users may access to the most complete set of economic data in CEIC Data by login as a GUEST user. REGISTER your own account to enable the core features in collaboration and data alerting. Access is limited to 5 concurrent users. Be considerate, please LOG OUT after use to avoid affecting others' rights.
Emerald Insight
- Business, Management and Economics
- Journal Articles
- Books and Book Serials
- Case Studies
Emerald Publishing Limited
Emerald Insight is a comprehensive collection of peer reviewed management journals providing full text access to 150 journals and reviews from 300 management journals. It provides abstracts and full text articles from academic journals covering the subject areas of Accounting & Finance, Economics, HR & Organizational Behaviour, Management Science & Operations, Marketing and Strategy.
- Emerald Management 120
- Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies
Regional Business News (RBN)
- Business and Economics
- Newspapers and Magazines
- News Transcripts
- Trade Publications
EBSCO Information Services
Regional Business News provides full-text regional business publications for the United States and Canadian provinces, including The Washington Post, PR Newswire US and more. Content includes nearly 40 active full-text, non-open access U.S. and Canadian business publications, with full-text coverage dating back to 1990.
- Featured
- Popular
- Elsevier Journals
- Business and Economics
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Health Sciences
- Physical Sciences and Life Sciences
- Social Sciences and Humanities
Elsevier, Inc.
ScienceDirect is the world's leading source for scientific, technical, and medical research. It provides full text access to 789 Elsevier journals which including health sciences, biochemistry, immunology, pharmacology, computer science, economics, business, finance and accounting etc.
- Cities
- Computers & Security
- Computers in Human Behavior
- Food and Chemical Toxicology
- Information & Management
- International Journal of Hospitality Management
- Journal of Business Research
- Journal of Cleaner Production
- Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
Skillsoft Books Library: Business Pro, Finance Pro & IT Pro Collection
- eBooks and Audiobooks Collection
- Business and Finance
- Computing and Information Technology
Skillsoft Ireland Limited
Skillsoft Library, formerly known as Books24x7, is an on-demand e-learning access to the complete text of thousands of online books, book summaries, audiobooks and research reports. The Library has subscribed to the Business Pro, Finance Pro and IT Pro collections: The Business Pro and Finance Pro contains more than 2,800 electronic books from over 100 publishers, covering many finances, business reference books etc; IT Pro provides the very best titles from Apress, Elsevier Science & Technology Books, IBM Press, John Wiley & Sons, McGraw-Hill, Sybex, Oracle Press, Wrox Press and over 120 others, coverage across a wide range of technology topics, skill levels and instructional styles.
Alternative Titles: (formerly) Books24x7
- Statistics and Reports
- Company Profiles
- Infographics and Charts
Statista Inc.
Statista is one of the leading statistics companies on the internet. It consolidates statistical data on over 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources, including media, business, politics, society, technology, and education. With a team of over 450 statisticians, database experts, analysts, and editors, Statista provides users with an innovative and intuitive tool for researching quantitative data, statistics and related information. Sources include market reports, opinion research institutions, trade publications, scientific journals, and government agencies. Charts can be downloaded in PNG, PowerPoint, Excel or PDF formats or embedded in web pages and can be great in papers or presentations.
Computing, Technology and Applied Sciences
ACM Digital Library
- Featured
- Computer Science and Technology
- ACM Journals and Magazines
- ACM Conference and Proceedings
- ACM Book Archive
- ACM DL Author Profiles
- SIG Newsletters
Association for Computing Machinery
The ACM Digital Library is a vast collection of citations and full text from all ACM publications, including journals, conference proceedings, technical magazines, newsletters and books. It also contains a collection of curated and hosted full-text publications from select publishers. Furthermore, the ACM Digital Library also features a comprehensive bibliographic database focused exclusively on the field of computing, and a richly interlinked set of connections among authors, works, institutions, and specialized communities.
Access Conditions: 3 concurrent users
ACS Publications
- Chemistry
- Physics and Biology
- Engineering
- Journal Articles
- Books and Reference
- News Archive
American Chemical Society
American Chemical Society (ACS) provides the worldwide scientific community with a comprehensive collection of the most-cited, peer-reviewed journals in the chemical and related sciences. The ACS Publications provide searchable full-text access to over 140 years of original research in chemistry, including more than 1,300,000 articles dating back to the inaugural volume of the Journal of the American Chemical Society in 1879. ACS publishes more than 65 peer-reviewed journals with articles across a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines.
- ACS Nano
- Journal of Natural Products
- Molecular Pharmaceutics
- Nano Letters
- Organic Letters
IEEE Xplore Digital Library
- Featured
- Popular
- Computer Science
- Electrical Engineering
- Electronics
- Journal Articles
- Conference Papers
- Technical Standards
- Books and Book Chapters
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE
IEEE Xplore Digital Library is a research database for discovery and access to journal articles, conference proceedings, technical standards, and related materials on computer science, electrical engineering and electronics, and allied fields. It contains material published mainly by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and other partner publishers. IEEE Xplore provides web access to more than 5 million documents from publications in computer science, electrical engineering, electronics and allied fields. Its documents and other materials comprise more than 300 peer-reviewed journals, more than 1,900 global conferences, more than 11,000 technical standards, almost 5,000 ebooks, and over 500 online courses.
Alternative Titles: IEEE/IET Electronic Library (IEL)
IET Digital Library
- Featured
- Computer and Engineering
- Information technology
- Journal Articles
- Conference Papers
- Reference Works
- Books and Magazines
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, IET
The IET Digital Library is a global repository of science, engineering and technology focused content produced by the world’s leading international scientific organisation and thought leader – the Institution of Engineering and Technology, IET. The Library holds more than 190,000 technical papers from 1994 onwards for all IET journals, magazines, books, conference publications and seminar digests, the IET's member magazine Engineering and Technology, plus seminar digests and conference publications.
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA) with Full Text
- Article Database
- Librarianship
- Classification
- Cataloging
- Bibliometrics
- Online Information Retrieval
- Information Management
EBSCO Information Services
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA) provides coverage on subjects such as librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more. This database provides cover-to-cover indexing and abstracting of over 600 journals, including key library and information science periodicals, and full-text coverage of over 300 journals.
- Featured
- Popular
- Elsevier Journals
- Business and Economics
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Health Sciences
- Physical Sciences and Life Sciences
- Social Sciences and Humanities
Elsevier, Inc.
ScienceDirect is the world's leading source for scientific, technical, and medical research. It provides full text access to 789 Elsevier journals which including health sciences, biochemistry, immunology, pharmacology, computer science, economics, business, finance and accounting etc.
- Cities
- Computers & Security
- Computers in Human Behavior
- Food and Chemical Toxicology
- Information & Management
- International Journal of Hospitality Management
- Journal of Business Research
- Journal of Cleaner Production
- Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
Skillsoft Books Library: Business Pro, Finance Pro & IT Pro Collection
- eBooks and Audiobooks Collection
- Business and Finance
- Computing and Information Technology
Skillsoft Ireland Limited
Skillsoft Library, formerly known as Books24x7, is an on-demand e-learning access to the complete text of thousands of online books, book summaries, audiobooks and research reports. The Library has subscribed to the Business Pro, Finance Pro and IT Pro collections: The Business Pro and Finance Pro contains more than 2,800 electronic books from over 100 publishers, covering many finances, business reference books etc; IT Pro provides the very best titles from Apress, Elsevier Science & Technology Books, IBM Press, John Wiley & Sons, McGraw-Hill, Sybex, Oracle Press, Wrox Press and over 120 others, coverage across a wide range of technology topics, skill levels and instructional styles.
Alternative Titles: (formerly) Books24x7
Dissertations and Theses
CNKI China Doctoral Dissertations Full-text Database 中國知網中國博士學位論文全文數據庫 (CDFD)
- Featured
- Popular
- 中文博士論文
- 綜合科目
Access Notes: Access Conditions: 10名併發用戶
CNKI China Master's Theses Full-text Database 中國知網中國優秀碩士學位論文全文數據庫 (CMFD)
- Featured
- Popular
- 中文碩士論文
- 綜合科目
Access Notes: Access Conditions: 10名併發用戶
EBSCO OpenDissertations
- Dissertations and Theses
- Multidisciplinary
EBSCO Information Services
EBSCO Open Dissertations now includes the content from American Doctoral Dissertations. It is a free database with records for more than 1.4 million electronic theses and dissertations from more than 320 universities around the world.
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT) Global
- Featured
- Popular
- Dissertations and Theses
- Multidisciplinary
ProQuest LLC
The ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global database is the world's most comprehensive curated collection of multi-disciplinary dissertations and theses from around the world, offering over 5 million citations and 3 million full-text works from thousands of universities.
WanFang China Dissertations Database 萬方中國學位論文全文數據庫
- Featured
- Popular
- 中國學位論文
- 綜合科目
eBooks Collections
- eBooks Collection
- Clinical Medicine
- Nursing
- Health Professions
- Pharmacology
- Life and Biomedical Sciences
Ovid Technologies, Inc.
Books@Ovid supports your research needs by combining classic and groundbreaking titles in a wide range of subject areas, including the world's largest online collection of core clinical texts.
Access Condition: 20 concurrent users
CNKI eBooks 中國知網電子圖書庫
- Popular
- 中文電子書
- 綜合科目
Alternative Name(s): 中國學術典藏圖書庫 (Formerly Name)
Remarks: 目前圖書館訂購當中的124本圖書提供全文閱讀
EBSCOhost eBook Collection
- Featured
- Popular
- eBooks Collection
- Multidisciplinary
EBSCO Information Services
EBSCOhost eBook Collection is a multidisciplinary e-book collection that covers topics across programs and fields of study in key subject areas such as the humanities and social sciences, business, science & technology, and medical.
Remarks: Adobe Digital Editions and MyEBSCOhost account is required for downloading eBook, Library users may sign up their own account on the sign in page.
Gale eBooks
- eBooks Collection
- Encyclopedias and Reference Books
- Multidisciplinary
Gale, Cengage Group
The Gale eBooks (formerly known as Gale Virtual Reference Library) is a platform of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research, provides comprehensive support from many of today’s top publishers, optimized for search, discovery, and integration across your library’s educational programs.
Alternative Titles: (formerly) Gale Virtual Reference Library, GVRL
iG Library
- eBooks Collection
- Multidisciplinary
IG Publishing, Inc.
iG Library is a new generation eBook platform developed by iG Publishing. Its simple and user-friendly interface helps you to retrieve information from huge eBook collections using a single click. It employs a powerful clustering engine to help you quickly analyze search results as well as to discover related topics. It contains 3,894 e-books from 4 publishers including Anmol Publications, Columbia University Press, Princeton University Press and University of Hawaii Press.
- Anmol Publications
- Business Expert Press
- Columbia University Press
- F.A. Davis
- Princeton University Press
- Springer Publishing
- University of Hawaii Press
Alternative Titles: (formerly) iG Publishing e-Book Library
MAS Reference eBook Collection
- eBooks Collection
- Multidisciplinary
EBSCO Information Services
MAS Reference eBook Collection contains non-fiction and reference books from top educational publishers and university presses, offers a rich selection of eBook titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects. Topics include biography, history, careers, cooking, literature, genealogy, health, parenting, personal finance, politics, architecture, science, current events, social-emotional health, sports, and travel.
Naxos Spoken Word Library (NSWL)
- Audiobooks Collection
- Language and Literature
- Religion and Philosophy
- Classic Novels
- Plays and Poetry
Naxos Digital Services US, Inc.
Naxos Spoken Word Library features thousands of best sellers and a collection of the world's greatest literature - many classic novels, plays and poetry, from medieval times to the twenty-first century under various categories, such as Children's Classics, Classic Fiction, Shakespeare's Plays. The service comprises mostly English audiobooks and radio plays as well as some French, German and Portuguese literature.
Access Conditions: 5 concurrent users.
Skillsoft Books Library: Business Pro, Finance Pro & IT Pro Collection
- eBooks and Audiobooks Collection
- Business and Finance
- Computing and Information Technology
Skillsoft Ireland Limited
Skillsoft Library, formerly known as Books24x7, is an on-demand e-learning access to the complete text of thousands of online books, book summaries, audiobooks and research reports. The Library has subscribed to the Business Pro, Finance Pro and IT Pro collections: The Business Pro and Finance Pro contains more than 2,800 electronic books from over 100 publishers, covering many finances, business reference books etc; IT Pro provides the very best titles from Apress, Elsevier Science & Technology Books, IBM Press, John Wiley & Sons, McGraw-Hill, Sybex, Oracle Press, Wrox Press and over 120 others, coverage across a wide range of technology topics, skill levels and instructional styles.
Alternative Titles: (formerly) Books24x7
General and Multidisciplinary
Academic Search Complete (ASC)
- Featured
- Multidisciplinary
- Journal Articles
- Peer-Reviewed Articles
- Conference Proceedings
- Magazines and Trade Publications
- Reports and Working Papers
- Book Reviews
- News Sources
- Image Collections
EBSCO Information Services
Academic Search Complete is a comprehensive scholarly database with more than 8,500 full-text periodicals, indexes and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and more than 13,200 publications including monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc. It covers a wide range of subjects, including science, technology, social sciences, humanities, and more.
CNKI Chinese Academic Journals Database 中國知網中國期刊全文數據庫 (CJFD)
- Featured
- Popular
- 中文學術期刊
- 綜合科目
- B專輯:化學/化工/冶金/環境/礦業
- E專輯:醫藥衛生科技
- F專輯:哲學與人文科學
- G專輯:政治軍事與法律
- H專輯:教育與社會科學綜合
- I專輯:電子技術及信息科學
- J專輯:經濟與管理科學
Alternative Titles: China Academic Journals (CAJ)
Access Conditions: 10名併發用戶
EBSCOhost eBook Collection
- Featured
- Popular
- eBooks Collection
- Multidisciplinary
EBSCO Information Services
EBSCOhost eBook Collection is a multidisciplinary e-book collection that covers topics across programs and fields of study in key subject areas such as the humanities and social sciences, business, science & technology, and medical.
Remarks: Adobe Digital Editions and MyEBSCOhost account is required for downloading eBook, Library users may sign up their own account on the sign in page.
Fuente Académica Plus
- Multidisciplinary
- Journal Articles
- Spanish and Portuguese
EBSCO Information Services
Fuente Académica Plus covering all major academic disciplines, Fuente Académica Plus provides Spanish- and Portuguese-language journals for scholarly research. It offers many quality journals from Latin America, Portugal and Spain including active full text for 13 Qualis top-ranked A1 titles.
Gale eBooks
- eBooks Collection
- Encyclopedias and Reference Books
- Multidisciplinary
Gale, Cengage Group
The Gale eBooks (formerly known as Gale Virtual Reference Library) is a platform of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research, provides comprehensive support from many of today’s top publishers, optimized for search, discovery, and integration across your library’s educational programs.
Alternative Titles: (formerly) Gale Virtual Reference Library, GVRL
Gale in Context: Global Issues
- Reference Sources
- News and Viewpoints
- Country Information
- Statistics Data
- Images, Audio and Video
- Business and Economics
- Environmental Studies
- Health and Medicine
- History and Politics
- Science and Technology
- Social Sciences
Gale, Cengage Group
Gale In Context: Global Issues supports awareness and provides perspective on global issues, while tying together a wealth of authoritative content: empowering learners to critically analyse and understand the most important issues of the modern world. It also contains content from 100 Gale proprietary reference titles, including Countries of the World and Their Leaders Yearbook, Human Geography: People & the Environment, Junior Worldmark Encyclopedia of World Cultures, Middle East Conflict Reference Library, and Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations.
- Journal Articles
- Environment
- Agriculture
- Law and Education
- Health and Technology
EBSCO Information Services
GreenFILE is a free research database covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Its collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes content on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more.
iG Library
- eBooks Collection
- Multidisciplinary
IG Publishing, Inc.
iG Library is a new generation eBook platform developed by iG Publishing. Its simple and user-friendly interface helps you to retrieve information from huge eBook collections using a single click. It employs a powerful clustering engine to help you quickly analyze search results as well as to discover related topics. It contains 3,894 e-books from 4 publishers including Anmol Publications, Columbia University Press, Princeton University Press and University of Hawaii Press.
- Anmol Publications
- Business Expert Press
- Columbia University Press
- F.A. Davis
- Princeton University Press
- Springer Publishing
- University of Hawaii Press
Alternative Titles: (formerly) iG Publishing e-Book Library
- Featured
- Popular
- Journal Archive
- Arts and Humanities
- Area Studies
- Business and Economics
- Law and History
- Medicine and Allied Health
- Science and Mathematics
- Social Sciences
JSTOR is an electronic archive of core scholarly journals with an emphasis on backfiles of key journals, covering materials from the 1880s up to a "moving wall" of between 2 and 5 years.
- Arts & Sciences I Collection
- Arts & Sciences II Collection
- Arts & Sciences III Collection
- Arts & Sciences IV Collection
- Arts & Sciences VI Collection
- Arts & Sciences VII Collection
- Health & General Science Collection
MAS Reference eBook Collection
- eBooks Collection
- Multidisciplinary
EBSCO Information Services
MAS Reference eBook Collection contains non-fiction and reference books from top educational publishers and university presses, offers a rich selection of eBook titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects. Topics include biography, history, careers, cooking, literature, genealogy, health, parenting, personal finance, politics, architecture, science, current events, social-emotional health, sports, and travel.
ProQuest Central
- Featured
- Popular
- Article Database
- Multidisciplinary
- Journal Articles
- Dissertations
- Newspapers and Magazines
- Market and Industry Reports
- Working Papers
- Case Studies
- Videos
ProQuest LLC
ProQuest Central brings together many of the most used databases from ProQuest to create the most comprehensive, diverse, and relevant multidisciplinary research database available. It provides access to databases across all major subject areas, including business, health and medical, social sciences, arts and humanities, education, science and technology, and religion. The collection includes thousands of full-text scholarly journals, trade and professional titles, newspapers, magazines, dissertations, working papers, case studies, and market reports all together on a powerful, user-friendly platform.
WanFang China Online Journals 萬方中國學術期刊數據庫
- Featured
- Popular
- 中文期刊
- 綜合科目
Health Sciences and Sports
- Featured
- Leading Medical Textbooks
- Quick Reference and Diagnosis Tools
- Drug Database
- Self-Assessments
- Examination and Procedural Videos
- Infographics
- Cases and Study Tools
- Patient Education Handouts
McGraw Hill Medical
AccessMedicine from McGraw Hill Medical is a comprehensive online medical resource that provides a complete spectrum of knowledge from the best minds in medicine, with essential information accessible anywhere. It provides medical students with a variety of resources needed to excel in basic science studies and clerkships; helps residents, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants with instant access to videos, self-assessment, and leading medical textbooks that facilitate decision-making at the point-of-care; and allows practicing physicians to brush up on their medical knowledge to ensure the best patient outcome.
- Featured
- Popular
- Leading Pharmacy Textbooks
- Quick Reference and Answers
- Drug Database
- Self-Assessments
- Multimedia Collection
- Cases and Study Tools
- Patient Education Handouts
McGraw Hill Medical
AccessPharmacy from McGraw-Hill Medical is designed to meet the changing demands of pharmacy education and practice today. Updated regularly and optimized for viewing on any device, this comprehensive, content-rich online pharmacy resource allows users to explore leading pharmacy references, search curriculum topics, research drugs and supplements.
- eBooks Collection
- Clinical Medicine
- Nursing
- Health Professions
- Pharmacology
- Life and Biomedical Sciences
Ovid Technologies, Inc.
Books@Ovid supports your research needs by combining classic and groundbreaking titles in a wide range of subject areas, including the world's largest online collection of core clinical texts.
Access Condition: 20 concurrent users
CINAHL Complete
- Nursing and Allied Health
- Journal Articles
- Evidence-Based Care Sheets
- Quick Lessons
- Indexes and Images
EBSCO Information Services
CINAHL Complete is the world's most comprehensive source of full-text for nursing & allied health journals, providing full text for more than 1,300 journals indexed in CINAHL. This authoritative file contains full text for many of the most used journals in the CINAHL index, with no embargo. CINAHL Complete is the definitive research tool for all areas of nursing & allied health literature and supports nursing and allied health professionals, students, educators and researchers. It provides full-text coverage of English-language nursing and allied health journals and publications from well-known associations including the American Occupation Therapy Association and the American Diabetes Association.
ClinicalKey for Nursing
- Nursing Handbooks and Manuals
- Conditions and Treatments
- Drug Monographs
- Mosby's Evidence-Based Nursing Monographs
- Clinical Topics and Guidelines
- Clinical Skills and Procedures
- Clinical Calculator
- Patient Education
- Procedure Videos
- Specialties Images
Elsevier, Inc.
ClinicalKey for Nursing provides access to nursing content including full-text books and journals, point-of-care monographs, customizable patient education handouts, drug monographs, videos, images, practice guidelines and clinical trials.
Clinical Skills
- Learning and Practice
- Clinical and Nursing Skills
- Evidence-Based Skills and Procedures
- Skill Demonstrations
Elsevier, Inc.
Clinical Skills is a customisable electronic skills tool for improving the consistency of clinical practice as well as managing professional training. This online training tool uses videos and animations to demonstrate a variety of skills. By combining 2,000+ evidence-based skills and procedures with competency management functionality, Clinical Skills helps ensure that knowledge and skills are current, and reflective of best practices and the latest clinical guidelines anywhere, anytime.
Access Conditions: The application of Learner ID is only available to the faculty members, please contact Library by email at library@mpu.edu.mo for application
Coronavirus Research Database
- Health and Medical
- Coronavirus Research
- Journal Articles
- Conference Proceedings
- Dissertations
ProQuest LLC
The Coronavirus Research Database brings together trusted content from journals, preprints, conference proceedings, dissertations and more related to COVID-19 and other coronaviruses. This database brings together not only content from open-access journals, but also pre-prints and additional content being made freely available by major publishers from around the world.
Journals@Ovid Full Text
- Featured
- Popular
- Journal Articles
- Nursing
- Clinical Medicine
- Health Professions
- Pharmacology
- Life and Biomedical Sciences
Ovid Technologies, Inc.
Journals@Ovid is an aggregate of hundreds of scientific, technical, and medical journals from over 50 publishers and societies. Its subjects cover Nursing, Pharmacy, Medicine, Sports Medicine and Orthopaedics, etc. Journals@Ovid offers coverage from 1996 to the present for many journals, some journals date back as far as 1993 and are updated daily to ensure access to the most recently published issues.
- Ovid Nursing Full Text Plus
- Ovid Core Nursing Collection
- LWW Nursing and Health Professions Premier Collection
- Sports Medicine & Orthopaedics Collection
- British Journal of Sports Medicine
- Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise
- American Journal of Health System Pharmacy
- British: Medical Journal
- New England Journal of Medicine
Access Conditions: 20 concurrent users.
- Popular
- Handbooks and Manuals
- Pharmacy and Pharmacology
- Medicines Information
- Drug and Healthcare
Pharmaceutical Press, The Royal Pharmaceutical Society
MedicinesComplete is the definitive online resource for drug and healthcare information, bringing together the world’s leading resources to provide healthcare professionals with expert and unbiased knowledge to make the best clinical decisions on the use and administration of drugs and medicines.
- AHFS Drug Information
- ASHP Injectable Drug Information
- BNF for Children
- Clarke's Analysis of Drugs and Poisons
- Dietary Supplements
- Drug Monitoring Checker
- Handbook of Drug Administration via Enteral Feeding Tubes
- Herbal Medicines
- Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference
- Pharmaceutical Excipients
- Stockley's Drug Interactions
- Stockley's Herbal Medicines Interactions
Access Conditions: 1 concurrent user
MEDLINE Complete
- Featured
- Popular
- Journal Articles
- Biomedical and Health
- Nursing and Healthcare
EBSCO Information Services
MEDLINE Complete is a leading full-text database of biomedical and health journals, providing full text for thousands of top medical journals with cover-to-cover indexing. Its Subject Headings help users effectively search and retrieve information and follow the structure of the Medical Subject headings (MeSH) used by the National Library of Medicine. It is an essential research tool for doctors, nurses, health professionals and researchers.
- Featured
- Popular
- Handbooks and Manuals
- Nursing and Pharmacology
- Medication, Disease and Toxicology
- Patient Counseling Tools
- Clinical Tools
IBM Corporation
MICROMEDEX is an evidence-based, multi-database drug search engine that provides summary and in-depth information for drugs, diseases, toxicology, and alternative medicine. It also provides patient counseling tools for medications, procedures, and conditions. Clinical tools include Trissel’s 2 IV Compatibility, Drug Identification, Drug Interactions, and Clinical Calculators.
- Complete Drug Interactions (former DRUG-REAX)
- Complete IV Compatibility (former IV-INDEX)
- Featured
- Popular
- Elsevier Journals
- Business and Economics
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Health Sciences
- Physical Sciences and Life Sciences
- Social Sciences and Humanities
Elsevier, Inc.
ScienceDirect is the world's leading source for scientific, technical, and medical research. It provides full text access to 789 Elsevier journals which including health sciences, biochemistry, immunology, pharmacology, computer science, economics, business, finance and accounting etc.
- Cities
- Computers & Security
- Computers in Human Behavior
- Food and Chemical Toxicology
- Information & Management
- International Journal of Hospitality Management
- Journal of Business Research
- Journal of Cleaner Production
- Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
SPORTDiscus with Full Text
- Article Database
- Sports and Sports Medicine
EBSCO Information Services
SPORTDiscus with Full text is the definitive database for sports and sports medicine research. Providing hundreds of full-text sports medicine journals, it is an essential tool for health professionals and researchers studying fitness, health and sports.
vSim for Nursing
- Learning Tools
- Clinical Skills Training
- Virtual Simulation
- Nursing Education
Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
vSim for Nursing is designed to simulate real nursing scenarios, co-developed by Laerdal Medical and Wolters Kluwer Health. It lets faculty incorporate simulation in nursing education and allow students to practice real-world clinical scenarios in a safe, realistic online environment.
- vSim for Nursing Medical-Surgical (8 users)
- vSim for Nursing Maternity (2 users)
- vSim for Nursing Pediatric (4 users)
- vSim for Nursing Gerontology (4 users)
- vSim for Nursing Fundamentals (8 users)
- vSim for Nursing Pharmacology (4 users)
- vSim for Nursing Health Assessment (5 users)
Access Conditions: vSim for Nursing is only available for FCSD faculty members. Please contact FCSD faculty for account application.
Historical Archives
Archives Unbound
- Historical Documents
- Political History
- Asian Studies
- British and European History
- International Relations
- Scanned Manuscript
Gale, Cengage Group
Archives Unbound presents topically-focused digital collections of historical documents that support the research and study needs of scholars and students at the college and university level. Collections in Archives Unbound cover a broad range of topics from the Middle Ages forward-from Witchcraft to World War II to twentieth-century political history. Collections are chosen for Archives Unbound based on requests from scholars, archivists, and students.
- European Colonialism in the Early 20th Century: Political and Economic Consolidation of Portuguese Colonies in Africa, 1910-1929
- The Earl George Macartney Collection
Alternative Titles: (Is part of) Gale Primary Sources
Bloomberg Businessweek Archive
- Magazine Archive
- Business and Economics
EBSCO Information Services
Bloomberg Businessweek Archive is the world’s only complete digital version of the Businessweek backfile. With coverage starting at the magazine’s first issue in 1929, the archive contains more than 65 years' worth of content not available on any other EBSCO full-text product.
Brazilian and Portuguese History and Culture: The Oliveira Lima Library
- Historical Archive
- History and Literature
- Culture Study
- Brazilian and Portuguese
- Pamphlets Collection
- Monographs
Gale, Cengage Group
Originally the personal library of the Brazilian diplomat, historian, and journalist Manoel de Oliveira Lima, the Oliveira Lima Library has long been regarded as one of the finest collections of Luso-Brazilian materials available to scholars. It's now accessible for students, educators, and researchers alike to delve deeper into Brazilian and Portuguese history and culture from the sixteenth to the twentieth century. The library was publicly inaugurated in 1924 under the name Ibero-American Library. By the time of Oliveira Lima's death in 1928 it held 40,000 volumes, of which around 4,000 were pamphlets.
Alternative Titles: (Is part of) Gale Primary Sources
China and the Modern World
- Historical Archive
- History and Literature
- China Studies
- Monographs and Periodicals
- Manuscripts and Letters
- Historical Photos
- Inspector General's Circulars
- London Office Files
- Semi-Official Correspondence
Gale, Cengage Group
China and the Modern World is a series of digital archive collections sourced from preeminent libraries and archives across the world, including the Second Historical Archives of China and the British Library. The series covers a period of about 180 years (1800s to 1980s) when China experienced radical and often traumatic transformations from an inward-looking imperial dynasty into a globally engaged republic. Consisting of monographs, manuscripts, periodicals, correspondence and letters, historical photos, ephemera, and other kinds of historical documents, these collections provide excellent primary source materials for the understanding and research of the various aspects of China during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, such as diplomacy/international relations, economy/trade, politics, Christianity, sinology, education, science and technology, imperialism, and globalization.
- Missionary, Sinology, and Literary Periodicals, 1817–1949
- Records of the Maritime Customs Service of China, 1854-1949
Alternative Titles: (Is part of) Gale Primary Sources
Economist Historical Archive, 1843-2015
- Historical Newspapers
- Business and Economics
- Politics and Culture
- Tech and Science
Gale, Cengage Group
The Economist presents the worlds political, business, scientific, technological, and cultural developments and the connections between them. The Economist Historical Archive delivers a complete searchable copy of every issue of The Economist from 1843 to 2015, with full-colour images, multiple search indexes, and the facility to browse each and every issue.
Alternative Titles: (Is part of) Gale Primary Sources
Financial Times Historical Archive, 1888-2010
- Historical Newspapers
- Business, Finance and Management
- Global Economics
- National and International Politics
- Technology
- Arts and Leisure
Gale, Cengage Group
A complete online, fully searchable facsimile, the Financial Times Historical Archive delivers the complete run of the London edition of this internationally known daily paper, from its first issue through 2010. Every article, advertisement, and market listing is included, shown both individually and in the context of the full page and issue of the day. Each item has been subject- or topic-categorized for fast retrieval and review.
Alternative Titles: (Is part of) Gale Primary Sources
Illustrated London News Historical Archive, 1842-2003
- Historical Newspapers
- Multidisciplinary
Gale, Cengage Group
The Illustrated London News Historical Archive, 1842-2003 is a complete digital edition of the world's first illustrated weekly newspaper, it includes every published issue, from the first in 1842 to the last in 2003. Entirely full-text searchable with over 260,000 full-color pages of high-quality digital imaging from flat unbound print sets, and covers a wide range of subject areas in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries making it an invaluable resource for multi-disciplinary research.
Alternative Titles: (Is part of) Gale Primary Sources
Jornal Va Kio Digital Archive 華僑報歷史檔案資料庫
- 報刊典藏
- 本地中文報紙
Nineteenth Century Collections Online
- Historical Archive
- Monographs
- Periodicals and Newspapers
- Pamphlets and Manuscripts
- Photographs and Maps
Gale, Cengage Group
Nineteenth Century Collections Online is a multi-year global digitization and publishing program focusing on primary source collections of the long nineteenth century. The content is sourced from the world's preeminent libraries and archives. It consists of monographs, newspapers, pamphlets, manuscripts, ephemera, maps, photographs, statistics, and other kinds of documents in both Western and non-Western languages.
- Asia and the West: Diplomacy and Cultural Exchange
- Photography: The World Through the Lens
Alternative Titles: (Is part of) Gale Primary Sources
Picture Post Historical Archive, 1938-1957
- Historical Newspapers
- Multidisciplinary
Gale, Cengage Group
The Picture Post Historical Archive comprises the complete archive of the Picture Post from its first issue in 1938 to its last in 1957—all digitized from originals in full colour. This resource provides a fascinating snapshot of British life from the 1930s to the 1950s, with thousands of photos of ordinary people doing ordinary things.
Alternative Titles: (Is part of) Gale Primary Sources
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: South China Morning Post (1903-2001)
- Newspaper Archive
- Multidisciplinary
ProQuest LLC
South China Morning Post is a premier English-language historical newspaper from China, it provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time. In addition to the article content, this rare archive provides the big picture with full-image views of every page, cover to cover. And, every part of every page is searchable, including advertisements, editorials, cartoons, and classified ads that illuminate history as much as the articles.
Punch Historical Archive, 1841-1992
- Magazine Archive
- Multidisciplinary
Gale, Cengage Group
Punch was the world's most celebrated magazine of wit and satire. From its early years as a campaigner for social justice to its transformation into national icon, Punch played a central role in the formation of British identity—and how the rest of the world saw the British nation. With approximately 7,900 issues (200,000 pages) from all volumes of Punch from 1841 to 1992, including Almanacks and other special numbers (issues), as well as prefaces, epilogues, indexes, and other specially produced material from the bound volumes, the images in the archive appear as originally published.
Alternative Titles: (Is part of) Gale Primary Sources
Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)
- Education Literature and Resources
- Journal Articles
- Books and Book Chapters
- Conference Papers
- Dissertations
- Education-Specific Thesaurus
- Curriculum Guides
- Policy Papers
EBSCO Information Services
ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) is an authoritative database of indexed and full-text education literature and resources. Sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences of the U.S. Department of Education, it is an essential tool for education researchers of all kinds. ERIC contains records and links to nearly 750,000 of full-text documents, coverage dating back to 1907. It includes records for a variety of source types, including journal articles, books, conference papers, curriculum guides, dissertations and policy papers
Humanities International Complete
- Article Database
- Art and History
- Language and Literature
- Philosophy and Religion
- Social Sciences
EBSCO Information Services
Humanities International Complete covers all aspects of the humanities, with worldwide content pertaining to literary, scholarly and creative thought. This database includes all data from Humanities International Index™ (more than 2,200 journals and 2.8 million records) plus unique full-text content, much of which is not found in other databases. The database includes full text for nearly 1,200 journals.
MAS Ultra-School Edition
- Reference Works
- High School Education
- Image Collection
EBSCO Information Services
MAS Ultra-School Edition is a full-text reference database designed for high school libraries, contains popular magazines and e-books covering many subjects, including history, science and health. It also includes full-text biographies, primary source documents, reference books, videos from the Associated Press, and an image collection of more than 2 million photos, maps, flags and color PDFs.
- Featured
- Popular
- Elsevier Journals
- Business and Economics
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Health Sciences
- Physical Sciences and Life Sciences
- Social Sciences and Humanities
Elsevier, Inc.
ScienceDirect is the world's leading source for scientific, technical, and medical research. It provides full text access to 789 Elsevier journals which including health sciences, biochemistry, immunology, pharmacology, computer science, economics, business, finance and accounting etc.
- Cities
- Computers & Security
- Computers in Human Behavior
- Food and Chemical Toxicology
- Information & Management
- International Journal of Hospitality Management
- Journal of Business Research
- Journal of Cleaner Production
- Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
Teacher Reference Center (TRC)
- Bibliographic Database
- Early and Higher Education
- Continuing Education
- Curriculum Development
- School Administration
- Assessment and Practices
- Literacy Standards
EBSCO Information Services
Teacher Reference Center is a complimentary research database for teachers, provides indexing and abstracts for more than 230 peer-reviewed journals.
Languages and Translation
Handbook of Translation Studies Online
- Terminology and Lexicography
- Translation and Interpreting Studies
John Benjamins Publishing Company
The Handbook of Translation Studies (HTS) aims at disseminating knowledge about translation, interpreting, localization, adaptation, etc. and providing easy access to a large range of topics, traditions, and methods to a relatively broad audience: not only students who often adamantly prefer such user-friendliness, researchers and lecturers in Translation Studies, Translation and Interpreting professionals; but also scholars and experts from other disciplines (among which linguistics, sociology, history, psychology).
Access Conditions: 15 concurrent users.
Naxos Spoken Word Library (NSWL)
- Audiobooks Collection
- Language and Literature
- Religion and Philosophy
- Classic Novels
- Plays and Poetry
Naxos Digital Services US, Inc.
Naxos Spoken Word Library features thousands of best sellers and a collection of the world's greatest literature - many classic novels, plays and poetry, from medieval times to the twenty-first century under various categories, such as Children's Classics, Classic Fiction, Shakespeare's Plays. The service comprises mostly English audiobooks and radio plays as well as some French, German and Portuguese literature.
Access Conditions: 5 concurrent users.
Sketch Engine
- Text Analysis and Corpus Tools
- Literary Research and Analysis
- Language Learning and Teaching
Lexical Computing
Sketch Engine is the ultimate tool to explore how language works. Its algorithms analyze authentic texts of billions of words (text corpora) to identify instantly what is typical in language and what is rare, unusual or emerging usage. It is also designed for text analysis or text mining applications. Sketch Engine contains 600 ready-to-use corpora in 90+ languages, each having a size of up to 60 billion words to provide a truly representative sample of language.
Access Conditions: Please contact Library for a FULLY ACCESSIBLE ACCOUNT
Translation Studies Bibliography (TSB)
- Bibliographies and Indexes
- Translation and Interpreting
John Benjamins Publishing Company
The online Translation Studies Bibliography is the result of a cooperation agreement between EST, CETRA, University of Leuven and John Benjamins Publishing Company. It is an annotated bibliography of the vast field of Translation and Interpreting Studies. The database is continuously updated and now contains over 34,500 annotated records. The bibliography is enhanced by a thesaurus and provides CrossRef DOIs, where available, for easier interlinking.
Access Conditions: 15 concurrent users.
Learning and Self-Assessment Tools
- Featured
- Leading Medical Textbooks
- Quick Reference and Diagnosis Tools
- Drug Database
- Self-Assessments
- Examination and Procedural Videos
- Infographics
- Cases and Study Tools
- Patient Education Handouts
McGraw Hill Medical
AccessMedicine from McGraw Hill Medical is a comprehensive online medical resource that provides a complete spectrum of knowledge from the best minds in medicine, with essential information accessible anywhere. It provides medical students with a variety of resources needed to excel in basic science studies and clerkships; helps residents, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants with instant access to videos, self-assessment, and leading medical textbooks that facilitate decision-making at the point-of-care; and allows practicing physicians to brush up on their medical knowledge to ensure the best patient outcome.
- Featured
- Popular
- Leading Pharmacy Textbooks
- Quick Reference and Answers
- Drug Database
- Self-Assessments
- Multimedia Collection
- Cases and Study Tools
- Patient Education Handouts
McGraw Hill Medical
AccessPharmacy from McGraw-Hill Medical is designed to meet the changing demands of pharmacy education and practice today. Updated regularly and optimized for viewing on any device, this comprehensive, content-rich online pharmacy resource allows users to explore leading pharmacy references, search curriculum topics, research drugs and supplements.
ClinicalKey for Nursing
- Nursing Handbooks and Manuals
- Conditions and Treatments
- Drug Monographs
- Mosby's Evidence-Based Nursing Monographs
- Clinical Topics and Guidelines
- Clinical Skills and Procedures
- Clinical Calculator
- Patient Education
- Procedure Videos
- Specialties Images
Elsevier, Inc.
ClinicalKey for Nursing provides access to nursing content including full-text books and journals, point-of-care monographs, customizable patient education handouts, drug monographs, videos, images, practice guidelines and clinical trials.
Clinical Skills
- Learning and Practice
- Clinical and Nursing Skills
- Evidence-Based Skills and Procedures
- Skill Demonstrations
Elsevier, Inc.
Clinical Skills is a customisable electronic skills tool for improving the consistency of clinical practice as well as managing professional training. This online training tool uses videos and animations to demonstrate a variety of skills. By combining 2,000+ evidence-based skills and procedures with competency management functionality, Clinical Skills helps ensure that knowledge and skills are current, and reflective of best practices and the latest clinical guidelines anywhere, anytime.
Access Conditions: The application of Learner ID is only available to the faculty members, please contact Library by email at library@mpu.edu.mo for application
Sketch Engine
- Text Analysis and Corpus Tools
- Literary Research and Analysis
- Language Learning and Teaching
Lexical Computing
Sketch Engine is the ultimate tool to explore how language works. Its algorithms analyze authentic texts of billions of words (text corpora) to identify instantly what is typical in language and what is rare, unusual or emerging usage. It is also designed for text analysis or text mining applications. Sketch Engine contains 600 ready-to-use corpora in 90+ languages, each having a size of up to 60 billion words to provide a truly representative sample of language.
Access Conditions: Please contact Library for a FULLY ACCESSIBLE ACCOUNT
vSim for Nursing
- Learning Tools
- Clinical Skills Training
- Virtual Simulation
- Nursing Education
Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
vSim for Nursing is designed to simulate real nursing scenarios, co-developed by Laerdal Medical and Wolters Kluwer Health. It lets faculty incorporate simulation in nursing education and allow students to practice real-world clinical scenarios in a safe, realistic online environment.
- vSim for Nursing Medical-Surgical (8 users)
- vSim for Nursing Maternity (2 users)
- vSim for Nursing Pediatric (4 users)
- vSim for Nursing Gerontology (4 users)
- vSim for Nursing Fundamentals (8 users)
- vSim for Nursing Pharmacology (4 users)
- vSim for Nursing Health Assessment (5 users)
Access Conditions: vSim for Nursing is only available for FCSD faculty members. Please contact FCSD faculty for account application.
Magazines and News Sources
Newspaper Source
- Newspaper Source
- News Transcripts
EBSCO Information Services
Newspaper Source provides cover-to-cover full text for hundreds of U.S., international and regional newspapers. In addition, it offers television and radio news transcripts from CBS News, CNN, CNN International, FOX News, NPR and more.
- Newspapers and Magazines
PressReader Inc.
PressReader is the best place to read thousands of newspapers and magazines on any device. It offers unlimited access to over 7,000 newspapers and magazines from around the world, in over 60 languages.
Regional Business News (RBN)
- Business and Economics
- Newspapers and Magazines
- News Transcripts
- Trade Publications
EBSCO Information Services
Regional Business News provides full-text regional business publications for the United States and Canadian provinces, including The Washington Post, PR Newswire US and more. Content includes nearly 40 active full-text, non-open access U.S. and Canadian business publications, with full-text coverage dating back to 1990.
WiseSearch 慧科新聞搜索
- Featured
- Popular
- News Clippings
- Chinese Newspapers
Wisers Information Limited
WiseSearch formerly known as Wisers Information Portal (WIP) from WiseNews. It is an online news clipping service with full-text search capabilities, provides access to content from newspapers, magazines, journals and newswires published in China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and some other parts of the world
Access Condition: 2 concurrent users
Politics, Government and Law
Legal Collection
- Article Database
- Law and Criminal Justice
EBSCO Information Services
Legal Collection centers on the discipline of law and legal topics, including law journals, documents, and case studies. It contains some of the world's most respected law journals and is an authoritative source for information on current issues, studies, thoughts, and trends in the legal world. Topics include criminal justice, ethics, federal law, international law, labor and human resource law, medical law, organized crime, the environment and more. Coverage ranges from 1965 to the present across more than 250 journals.
Military & Government Collection
- Journal Articles
- Military and Government
EBSCO Information Services
Military & Government Collection is a database of full-text journals and periodicals pertaining to all branches of the military and government. It is designed to offer current news to military members, analysts, policy makers, students and researchers.
Reference Sources
- Featured
- Leading Medical Textbooks
- Quick Reference and Diagnosis Tools
- Drug Database
- Self-Assessments
- Examination and Procedural Videos
- Infographics
- Cases and Study Tools
- Patient Education Handouts
McGraw Hill Medical
AccessMedicine from McGraw Hill Medical is a comprehensive online medical resource that provides a complete spectrum of knowledge from the best minds in medicine, with essential information accessible anywhere. It provides medical students with a variety of resources needed to excel in basic science studies and clerkships; helps residents, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants with instant access to videos, self-assessment, and leading medical textbooks that facilitate decision-making at the point-of-care; and allows practicing physicians to brush up on their medical knowledge to ensure the best patient outcome.
- Featured
- Popular
- Leading Pharmacy Textbooks
- Quick Reference and Answers
- Drug Database
- Self-Assessments
- Multimedia Collection
- Cases and Study Tools
- Patient Education Handouts
McGraw Hill Medical
AccessPharmacy from McGraw-Hill Medical is designed to meet the changing demands of pharmacy education and practice today. Updated regularly and optimized for viewing on any device, this comprehensive, content-rich online pharmacy resource allows users to explore leading pharmacy references, search curriculum topics, research drugs and supplements.
ClinicalKey for Nursing
- Nursing Handbooks and Manuals
- Conditions and Treatments
- Drug Monographs
- Mosby's Evidence-Based Nursing Monographs
- Clinical Topics and Guidelines
- Clinical Skills and Procedures
- Clinical Calculator
- Patient Education
- Procedure Videos
- Specialties Images
Elsevier, Inc.
ClinicalKey for Nursing provides access to nursing content including full-text books and journals, point-of-care monographs, customizable patient education handouts, drug monographs, videos, images, practice guidelines and clinical trials.
CNKI China Yearbooks Full-text Database 中國知網中國年鑒網絡出版總庫 (CYFD)
- 中國年鑑
- 中央綜合年鑒
- 中央行業年鑒
Alternative Name(s): 中國年鑑網絡出版總庫
Remarks: 圖書館目前訂購其中「中央行業年鑒」及「中央綜合年鑒」共485種。
CNKI Reference Works 中國知網工具書庫 (CRWO)
- 字典辭典
- 百科全書
- 圖錄圖鑑
- 綜合科目
Alternative Name(s): 中國工具書網絡出版總庫; CNKI工具書庫
Access Conditions: 10名併發用戶
Gale eBooks
- eBooks Collection
- Encyclopedias and Reference Books
- Multidisciplinary
Gale, Cengage Group
The Gale eBooks (formerly known as Gale Virtual Reference Library) is a platform of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research, provides comprehensive support from many of today’s top publishers, optimized for search, discovery, and integration across your library’s educational programs.
Alternative Titles: (formerly) Gale Virtual Reference Library, GVRL
Gale in Context: Global Issues
- Reference Sources
- News and Viewpoints
- Country Information
- Statistics Data
- Images, Audio and Video
- Business and Economics
- Environmental Studies
- Health and Medicine
- History and Politics
- Science and Technology
- Social Sciences
Gale, Cengage Group
Gale In Context: Global Issues supports awareness and provides perspective on global issues, while tying together a wealth of authoritative content: empowering learners to critically analyse and understand the most important issues of the modern world. It also contains content from 100 Gale proprietary reference titles, including Countries of the World and Their Leaders Yearbook, Human Geography: People & the Environment, Junior Worldmark Encyclopedia of World Cultures, Middle East Conflict Reference Library, and Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations.
Handbook of Translation Studies Online
- Terminology and Lexicography
- Translation and Interpreting Studies
John Benjamins Publishing Company
The Handbook of Translation Studies (HTS) aims at disseminating knowledge about translation, interpreting, localization, adaptation, etc. and providing easy access to a large range of topics, traditions, and methods to a relatively broad audience: not only students who often adamantly prefer such user-friendliness, researchers and lecturers in Translation Studies, Translation and Interpreting professionals; but also scholars and experts from other disciplines (among which linguistics, sociology, history, psychology).
Access Conditions: 15 concurrent users.
MAS Ultra-School Edition
- Reference Works
- High School Education
- Image Collection
EBSCO Information Services
MAS Ultra-School Edition is a full-text reference database designed for high school libraries, contains popular magazines and e-books covering many subjects, including history, science and health. It also includes full-text biographies, primary source documents, reference books, videos from the Associated Press, and an image collection of more than 2 million photos, maps, flags and color PDFs.
- Popular
- Handbooks and Manuals
- Pharmacy and Pharmacology
- Medicines Information
- Drug and Healthcare
Pharmaceutical Press, The Royal Pharmaceutical Society
MedicinesComplete is the definitive online resource for drug and healthcare information, bringing together the world’s leading resources to provide healthcare professionals with expert and unbiased knowledge to make the best clinical decisions on the use and administration of drugs and medicines.
- AHFS Drug Information
- ASHP Injectable Drug Information
- BNF for Children
- Clarke's Analysis of Drugs and Poisons
- Dietary Supplements
- Drug Monitoring Checker
- Handbook of Drug Administration via Enteral Feeding Tubes
- Herbal Medicines
- Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference
- Pharmaceutical Excipients
- Stockley's Drug Interactions
- Stockley's Herbal Medicines Interactions
Access Conditions: 1 concurrent user
- Featured
- Popular
- Handbooks and Manuals
- Nursing and Pharmacology
- Medication, Disease and Toxicology
- Patient Counseling Tools
- Clinical Tools
IBM Corporation
MICROMEDEX is an evidence-based, multi-database drug search engine that provides summary and in-depth information for drugs, diseases, toxicology, and alternative medicine. It also provides patient counseling tools for medications, procedures, and conditions. Clinical tools include Trissel’s 2 IV Compatibility, Drug Identification, Drug Interactions, and Clinical Calculators.
- Complete Drug Interactions (former DRUG-REAX)
- Complete IV Compatibility (former IV-INDEX)
Oxford Music Online: Grove Music Online
- Encyclopedias and Dictionaries
- Music and Musicians
Oxford University Press
Grove Music Online is the world's premier online music encyclopedia, offering comprehensive coverage of music, musicians, music-making, and music scholarship. The authoritative resource for music research with over 52,000 articles written by nearly 9,000 scholars charting the diverse history and cultures of music around the globe.
Teacher Reference Center (TRC)
- Bibliographic Database
- Early and Higher Education
- Continuing Education
- Curriculum Development
- School Administration
- Assessment and Practices
- Literacy Standards
EBSCO Information Services
Teacher Reference Center is a complimentary research database for teachers, provides indexing and abstracts for more than 230 peer-reviewed journals.
Translation Studies Bibliography (TSB)
- Bibliographies and Indexes
- Translation and Interpreting
John Benjamins Publishing Company
The online Translation Studies Bibliography is the result of a cooperation agreement between EST, CETRA, University of Leuven and John Benjamins Publishing Company. It is an annotated bibliography of the vast field of Translation and Interpreting Studies. The database is continuously updated and now contains over 34,500 annotated records. The bibliography is enhanced by a thesaurus and provides CrossRef DOIs, where available, for easier interlinking.
Access Conditions: 15 concurrent users.
WanFang China Local Gazetteers Database 萬方新方志
- 地區資料
- 中國廣東省
Remark: 全文範圍僅限於新方志廣東省地區資料
Research Metrics and Analytics
Journal Citation Reports (JCR)
- Citation Index
- Journal Ranking
- Research Impact Metrics
- Sciences and Social Sciences
Journal Citation Reports (JCR) is a comprehensive and unique resource that allows you to evaluate and compare journals using citation data drawn from over 7,500 scholarly and technical journals from more than 3,300 publishers in over 60 countries.
- Research Impact Analytics Tool
- Research Metrics and Benchmarking
- Identifying Collaboration
- Trends and Reporting
Elsevier, Inc.
SciVal is an analytics tool that provides access to the research performance of over 20,000 research institutions and their associated researchers from 231 nations worldwide. SciVal enables researchers and institutions to visualise research performance, benchmark relative to peers, develop strategic partnerships, identify and analyze new, emerging research trends, and create uniquely tailored reports.
Access Conditions: All users will need to login with a personal username and password. You can create a SciVal login by following the link to Register Now. If you have a personal username and password for another Elsevier product, such as ScienceDirect, Scopus, ClinicalKey or Mendeley, the same login details will work here in SciVal.
- Featured
- Popular
- Abstract and Citation Indexing
- Visual Analysis Tools
- Research Metrics
- Bibliometric and Historic Trend Analysis
- Complete Author Profiles
Elsevier, Inc.
Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, including scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. The indexes content from more than 25,000 active titles and 7,000 publishers, all rigorously vetted and selected by an independent review board. Users get access to thousands of titles, millions of author profiles and 1.7 billion of cited references. Scopus delivering a comprehensive overview of the world's research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities, Scopus features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research.
Web of Science Core Collection: SCIE, SSCI, AHCI, ESCI & CPCI
- Featured
- Popular
- Journal Citation Indexes
- Conference Proceedings Citation Indexes
- Science and Social sciences
- Humanities
- Multidisciplinary
Web of Science Core Collection is the world's most trusted citation index for scientific and scholarly research. It is a curated collection of over 20,000 peer-reviewed, high-quality scholarly journals published worldwide (including Open Access journals) in over 250 science, social sciences, and humanities disciplines.
Statistics and Data Sets
- Economic Data
- Visual Analysis
- Spot Trends
- Marketing Insights
CDMNext is a comprehensive web-based tool that allows users easy access to CEIC’s databases to create quick and insightful analyses. CEIC Data is best in class databases deliver the most accurate and timely economic, sector and financial data from around the globe. Including Worldtrend Database, Global Database, Brazil Premium Database, China Premium Database, India Premium Database, Indonesia Premium Database, Russia Premium Database, and Sector Database. The platform makes it easy for you to uncover data trends and insights. Users can leverage advanced visualization tools, easily download series and extract data to Excel with just a few simple steps.
- Global Database
- WorldTrend Plus Database
- Brazil Premium Database
- Russia Premium Database
- India Premium Database
- China Premium Database
- Indonesia Premium Database
Remarks: All MPI Library users may access to the most complete set of economic data in CEIC Data by login as a GUEST user. REGISTER your own account to enable the core features in collaboration and data alerting. Access is limited to 5 concurrent users. Be considerate, please LOG OUT after use to avoid affecting others' rights.
Gale in Context: Global Issues
- Reference Sources
- News and Viewpoints
- Country Information
- Statistics Data
- Images, Audio and Video
- Business and Economics
- Environmental Studies
- Health and Medicine
- History and Politics
- Science and Technology
- Social Sciences
Gale, Cengage Group
Gale In Context: Global Issues supports awareness and provides perspective on global issues, while tying together a wealth of authoritative content: empowering learners to critically analyse and understand the most important issues of the modern world. It also contains content from 100 Gale proprietary reference titles, including Countries of the World and Their Leaders Yearbook, Human Geography: People & the Environment, Junior Worldmark Encyclopedia of World Cultures, Middle East Conflict Reference Library, and Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations.
- Statistics and Reports
- Company Profiles
- Infographics and Charts
Statista Inc.
Statista is one of the leading statistics companies on the internet. It consolidates statistical data on over 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources, including media, business, politics, society, technology, and education. With a team of over 450 statisticians, database experts, analysts, and editors, Statista provides users with an innovative and intuitive tool for researching quantitative data, statistics and related information. Sources include market reports, opinion research institutions, trade publications, scientific journals, and government agencies. Charts can be downloaded in PNG, PowerPoint, Excel or PDF formats or embedded in web pages and can be great in papers or presentations.