Application of ISBN, ISSN & ISRC

Application of ISBN
An International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique code for the identification of books, which is used whenever information on books needs to be recorded or communicated. The applications of ISBNs for the Macao Polytechnic University are assigned by the Library.
Application of ISSN
The ISSN is applicable to the entire population of serials, whether past, present or to be published in the foreseeable future. Serials are print or non-print publications issued in parts, usually bearing issue numbers and/or dates. A serial is expected to continue indefinitely. Serials include periodicals, newspapers, annuals (reports, yearbooks, directories, etc.), journals, series, memoirs, proceedings, transactions, etc. The applications of ISSNs for the Macao Polytechnic University are assigned by the Library.
Application of ISRC
The ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) is the globally recognized standard numbering system for audio and music video recordings. Each ISRC is a unique and permanent identifier for a specific recording. Only one ISRC should be issued to a track, and an ISRC can never represent more than one unique recording. ISRC is a useful identification tool in the electronic distribution of music.