Getting Started with AccessPharmacy
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AccessPharmacy from McGraw-Hill is a comprehensive online medical resource devoted to the study, instruction, and practice of pharmacy. Authoritative, trusted, and constantly updated content, compiled from the best minds in Pharmacy.
With AccessPharmacy, you have access to:
- A constantly-updated collection of trusted, leading texts including DiPiro’s Pharmacotherapy.
- Comprehensive test prep and self-assessment including NAPLEX Central and 2000+ NAPLEX Q&As, flash cards, Pill-in-the-Blank and more.
- Extensive library of multimedia content simplifying complicated topics in pharmacy education.
MyAccess Profile
To engage with AccessPharmacy and its content and resources, users need to create a free MyAccess Profile. To set up your MyAccess Profile, please follow the steps below:
- Login to the AccessMedicine through the Databases listed on the Library website.
- Click on "Sign In" next to the institution's name in the upper right-hand corner of any page. Once there, click on "Sign in or Create a Free MyAccess Profile".
- In the pop-up window, click "Create a Free MyAccess Profile" and complete the registration form.
To keep your MyAccess Profile active, you must sign into your profile every 90 days through the Library website.
Guides and Tutorials
- How to Access the Casebook Instructor's Guide
- Standardized Patient Cases Overview
- Flashcards Overview
- Drug Monographs
For more guides and instructions, please visit the AccessPharmacy LibGuides.
Last updated: October 2022.