Book Exhibition VI
When Poetry Meets Calligraphy
15/10/2017 - 14/02/2018
Library, 2nd Floor, Wui Chi Building, MPI
Letters make words, words make poems. By reciting, reading, reading out loud, poetry typically evokes ours intense emotion – joy, sorrow, anger, catharsis, love…To coincide with the 150th anniversary of the birth of Portuguese symbolist poet of the 20th century who lived most of his life in Macau - Camilo Pessanha (1867-1926) this year, our current book exhibition exhibits Sino-foreign poetry related book collection as well as display 4 selected poems in Latin, Portuguese and English calligraphy artworks created by alumni from School of Arts, MPI. We hope through the beauty of poems and calligraphy to show you the beauty of writing, the power of words, leading you to the poet’s view of the world.
Further Reading Materials